Billy Snikkers

Billy Snikkers

Master's student in mathematics at Utrecht University (Logic Track), and chief software engineer/co-founder of metauni. I'm interested in productive high-level abstractions that allow you to keep your feet on the ground, both in programming and proofs.


  • Longest Path: Benchmarking longest path algorithms, including QUBO/Ising model formulations and a super-fast branch-n-bound search written in C.
  • metaboard: Shared virtual blackboards in Roblox. I am the primary author and maintainer. These are the key instrument for delivering seminars in Roblox. Embedding information in a persistent, virtual space with metaboards is a powerful framework for collaboration and research, not possible with other shared whiteboards tools.
  • metauniOS: monorepo for the modules that make up metauni. I designed the overall structure and module loading, and have made major contributions to the Orbcam, AdminCommands and Drone systems.
  • Feather: A featherweight declarative instance manager for Roblox. Made to dramatically increase the memory efficiency of metaboard.
  • Replay: Multi-channel recordings of speaker audio, writing on metaboards, and motion capture of a VR character. WIP, but some code can be found here


I organise and host the Foundations seminar with Will Troiani on the nature of mathematical objects, logic and Gödel’s theorems at metauni.

